A lot of Questions - and with us:
finally answers!

Which campaigns or campaign themes do the others use? With what frequency and frequency rate do my competitors work in email marketing? Are there certain days or times when my own newsletter advertising would be more noticeable? What newsletter advertising did my competitors actually use last year for Valentine's Day? What technology does the competition use? Are there any other KPIs beyond the technical metrics? A lot of questions. We will help you to discover the answers.

I want answers!

We offer the following answers


An easy-to-use portal for the analysis of newsletter advertising, which can be sorted and filtered by industry and company. The AI has already segmented the newsletters for you.


All image references of the newsletters have been updated so that you can still access them even after years. This gives you an ideal archive of the market that is relevant to you.


You can deduce the newsletter strategy of your competitors and adjust your strategy accordingly. Some of the competitor's actions thus also become predictable.

Clearly structured

Figures are easily evaluated and presented in clear charts.

Why Newsletter?
And why do you need Admon??

The advantage of newsletters is their wide reach, low cost and high speed of design and delivery. They are an important part of the external communication to promote current offers. In addition, subscriptions stand for a high identification with the brand and contribute to customer loyalty.

Advertisers can easily measure the effectiveness of their own newsletters. Parameters such as bounce and open rates describe the behaviour of newsletter recipients. Click and click-through rates as well as unsubscribe rates provide an even more precise insight and opportunities for optimisation.

  • But what does the competition do?
  • When do they use which newsletter for which event??
  • Is the sending behaviour of the others rather predictable and consistent or does it fluctuate over time?
  • Which newsletter technologies (responsive vs. non-responsive) does the market competitor use?
  • Which keywords and terms appear in the newsletters?

Admon provides managers with a systematic overview of the content, timing and technologies used by hundreds of advertisers.

  • Thousands of newsletters are received regularly and stored permanently in the database with content and metadata.
  • The data stock is visualised via contemporary dashboards. The three big "T" are in the foreground:
    • Teaser (Newsletter topic)
    • Timing (mailing times)
    • Technology (file sizes, use of media, responsive vs. non-responsive web design)
  • Content monitoring of individual or multiple market companions through intelligent search agents

Admon for email marketing gives you a systematic and comprehensive overview of the behaviour of the market-accompanying companies, keeps you up to date and supports rational decisions for the design and dispatch of your own newsletters. Where does your company stand in the competitive environment? We will surprise you with the possibilities for your newsletter strategy!

Always at the cutting edge

AdMon is derived from Ad-Monitoring. It is the professional and uncomplicated way to evaluate and archive newsletter advertising for the relevant companies, sectors or target groups. And all this without requiring an installation from your company's IT department! All you need to use the system is an up-to-date browser and, of course, online access. We are happy to explain the system and discuss which licence model makes sense. Please feel free to contact us.

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Get in touch with us!!

Send us an email with your contact details, we will add you to the system and you can test the system free of charge for 5 days..